Monday, January 31, 2011

Man of My Dreams, I Don't Sleep So I Can't Find Him....



(I pretty sure he’s the man in my dreams. Green Eyes)

black women white man

As much as I love being a female, I believe that we can create an alternate reality in our minds when it comes to men. There are no perfect men on this planet our view of our relationships will be ten times better. Now some relationships are not with the time and I do not believe in wasting time BUT in the same breath we need a little more patience because…

They’re idiots.We give them way too much credit as we assume that they will be as thoughtful and caring as we are. Its not a bad thing; that’s just how it is. They’re boys.

  • As much as women are into macho jocks and manly men, we’ll still want him to send us flowers and be understanding when we’re bloated and cramping. Shit just doesn’t make sense. Jocks are asses.
  • They’re simple. They can’t really take in a lot of information. You can’t ask them to do multiple tasks because they won’t get done. You can’t tell them stories like you would tell your girlfriends because they won’t hear 87% of it.
  • They give you stupid explanations when they screw up and and expect you hear what they’ve said and accept it as the truth. When you colorfully explain to them the words that came out of their mouths was the dumbest shit you’ve ever heard, they’re flabbergasted.
  • They’re selfish.

No matter how many movies we watch where successful white  people meet each other and fall in love in the most romantically comical way, that does not happen in real life and we should not expect it to. It’s a far cry from reality. They’re just the relationships of our dreams…

Oh and yes; I am speaking from personal experience.


Bshrop said...

lmao at those last two bullet points.

But yeah...a lot of women compare men to those perfect guys in movies and their dreams. Not good...

SOKJAY said...

Truth to the 10th power.

Anonymous said...

Men are idiots? So what do you call women that fall for idiots? It seems like it always has to fall on the guy. Superficial chicks will never get respect and are lonely.

Just a thought: Once you find a good man, then the dreams will start to unfold.

Beans said...

@Anonymous What are you talking about? Nothing has "fallen on the guy". Men are idiots and its not a bad thing. Good men are idiots too. I think you read that and took it personally and you shouldn't have. It wasn't meant as a jab. It was stated to say that we can't expect men to be something that they aren't and men can't be all knowing beings when they're...idiots. Lol

Anonymous said...

You find those selfish men, idiots, and uncaring guys cause one of two reasons:

*you're finding flat out the wrong guys and giving your heart to the wrong hands

*or you found a good guy but they're afraid to take down their walls cause being that "perfect guy" got them hurt

I've always been me, not the type to get in relationships, too afraid to get hurt, so the few relationships I've been in, mad them more so close friends that were girls, someone I wanted to be the perfect guy for, got me walked all over on. So from then on, never let the girls feel that special. Even if I wanted to be that one guy they couldn't stop thinking about. Just doesn't feel right anymore.

Anonymous said...

Men are not idiots overall. You can't paint a broad stroke like that. There are people out there who are idiots, sure, but this includes women, also. Five minutes on planet earth will prove that!

You've just been getting together with all the wrong men because you're looking in the wrong places and attracting the wrong element. The men you've been with may very well have been idiots (doesn't mean all men are), but then what does that make you? Two birds of a feather flock together, as they say. Your assessment of men overall does not attest to you having made smart choices or being knowledgeable or wise.

Smarten up. Find better men. And humble yourself. You're too arrogant and will never deserve better otherwise.