That sounds stupid but…it’s real life. Why you say? I have no ufckin clue. Even if you actually dated said guy or girl [Sidebar: Do men have this rule?] why does your friend have to be off limits? There was obviously something that made you two break up so why can’t she give it a try if they’re attracted to each other? I’ve thought of a few reasons why this rule exists:
1. You’re not over the relationship.
I’ve always said that I don’t care if any of my friends date or sleep with anyone I’ve ever dated or slept with as long as it wasn’t my first boyfriend. The reason I had that stance, till about 2006, was because I wasn’t over the situation. Today, I could care less.
2. You don’t want them to get to talking.
You know what you’ve said to him about her…you know what you’ve said to her about him. You’ll end up without a man and a friend. Damn.
3. Sex is an issue.
I’m actually not sure about this one because I cannot think of a reason why this would complicate things unless you apply it to #2…
4. People are idiots.
True story: There’s a girl that I went to college with that I wasn’t friends with. I didn’t know her from a can of paint. She broke up with her boyfriend in 2006 or 2007. About 2 months later, I saw him in the Union and I thought, despite the fact that he was rocking Fila’s, that he was cute. We talked on the phone like twice and that’s about it. She hates my guts and it’s 2011. Case and point.
Like I said, I don’t see the big deal but that’s just me. What are other reasons that you guys can think of that would make a person not want you to date their ex?