Men are visual creatures and I get that; they’re shallow. With that being said, I didn’t realize JUST how shallow visual they were. I use myself as the example:
When I started college I was 5’1”, 95 pounds soaking wet and by every definition I was skinny. I would post a picture but who REALLY wants to go back that far. Anywho…fast forward to Summer 2008 when I moved down to Atlanta. For the first 8 months I ate at any restaurant whose name sounded like “Big Mama’s ____ _____”, “Southern Fried ____”, etc. I toped off at 131 lbs and by all definition I was thick…and proud of it!! Life was grand!! I didn’t have to pay for anything, do anything, hell I’ve never been so lazy. AND if I put in a 10” Remy, ninjas would buck a U turn JUST do I didn’t have to pump my own gas #truestory. But when I got PHAT in the back I also got…..
FAT in the front and that was a problem that needed to be handled.
Two things happened after that: I went natural and I lost weight due to exercise and nutrition (S/O Bleeding Onions). These days all I can get are opinions instead of compliments; suggestions instead of valentines and although my hair is different and I’m lost TWO (or three lol) inches in my hips I just don’t know what’s different. The person hasn’t changed a bit; I’m still the same ‘ol GEE but I guess life is just a hot or not contest. Now I still believe that I am nothing short of amazing (O_o) but I just say this to let the ladies know that the “beauty is skin deep” is a bunch of bull shit because even though I’m currently shaped like this:
(32-25-36) they really want you to look like this.
Does it bother me that I apparently look like shit now; yes. But hey….you can’t please everyone.