Friday, May 15, 2009

Racism in Cartoons

In light of Disney's first black princess, Tiana, I wanted to post some vids I found on YouTube.

First this is the trailer for the 2009 release of The Frog Princess:

Racism in Disney's Cartoons:

Racism through sound in Disney Cartoons:

Sexism, Strength and Dominance: Masculinity in Disney Films:

I want to point out that I am in no way upset or offended by these videos because at that point in time Black Americans, or any other race for that matter, weren't getting any respect in America so how can you blame Disney for following suit? It just amazes me to know that what I was watching as a child was basically grooming me to be less than and never equal to a 'superior' race and/or gender. These videos are in no way life changing but if you can take the time to watch a couple minutes in each of the videos you will have some flashbacks from your child hood and your opinion of your favorite Disney moment will change...


Niki McNeill Brown said...

I always thought Disney movies were really lame when I was growing up... then I took this African American Art class and learned how he based Mickey Mouse on the minstrel cartoons of the 20s and I thought, I KNEW something was wrong about that rodent! hahaha

KennethLee said...

Watched an assload of Disney movies when I was younger (and older)... noticed some of the stuff but I wouldn't say it shaped my thinking towards anything. I left that up to my parents to ruin!! lmao... nah, but it was my parents who I looked to for mind shaping... not movies.

Beans said...

@ KennethLee I agree. I don't think I looked to movies for role models or morals because my parents were in my ears 24/7 BUT I do think that the students may be drawing a good point when it comes to children that may have been raised in single parent homes or with parents who weren't able to be there as much that leaned to other venues for their life lessons. Kind of like how they say the media is shaping our youth today (rappers, movies, etc.)

@niki.mac I didn't know that at all!! That is so crazy to me! Not surprising but I mean Disney is so 'wholesome' and targeted to children that it's crazy that this is what they've been 'teaching' the youth.