Wednesday, July 30, 2008

X-Men: Wolverine

Here is a clip of the new X-Men movie that is coming out in 2009. It's hella bootleg but you can see where they're going with it. I don't know if I am as excited about this one as I've been with the other three. I don't think an X-Men movie can be as 'good' with just one of the X-Men. Where's Gambit and the REAL Rogue (which USED to be my fav character till the movies chopped her up!)

(So......Armon I don't know how to put a video on here like you do on your site. Kinda lame huh.....)

1 comment:

Dre' Leon said...

i think gambit is in the movie. I heard/read the trailer review on /film (

also here is the movie write up on wiki: has the character and everything:

i can't see the vid b/c they have already taken it down but to be honest i was that big of a fan of the movies...i was really into the comics when i was younger so i had "high" standards and i felt the movie didn't reach them...

oh yeah i sent you some instructions on how to put vids on your blog via email.