One of my fav girls, Angela Simmons, has a video for her new song 'Center of Attention'. I'm usually on team VanAngela but this song might be terrible. I don't know when she's talking or singing and I slick don't know what she's talking about. This vid is cute and I like the Vanessa cameo behind the dj booth but All and all it's pretty awful. She looks GrEaT though!! GO PASTRY!!
Here is a clip of the new X-Men movie that is coming out in 2009. It's hella bootleg but you can see where they're going with it. I don't know if I am as excited about this one as I've been with the other three. I don't think an X-Men movie can be as 'good' with just one of the X-Men. Where's Gambit and the REAL Rogue (which USED to be my fav character till the movies chopped her up!)
I've waited SOOOOO long for the arrival of my long lost love. I know you'll keep me up for many nights and make me mad so many times but I pray our relationship will be long lasting! (But just in case I bought the insurance on that @$$)
Last weekend was 'my' family reunion. It was my birth father's side and since it was in Atlanta I had absolutely NO reason not to attend! I had a lot of mixed feelings at the end of the day but all in all it was good to meet cousins around my age. Some were just going to college and my little cousins are too cute! I can't be mean to the youth! Here are some pics
Today is my very first post. It took me a while to get on here because I was waiting on some assistance (side-eye) but hey I'm here now! I email my old teammates everyday and from time to time I send them random information that I come across so I wanted to do the same for my first post:
Have you ever wondered where 'the people' got the names for the days of the week?
Sunday: The name Sunday comes from the Old English Sunnandæg (pronounced [sun.nan.dæg] or [sun.nan.dæj), meaning "Day of the Sun". This is a translation of the Latin phrase Dies Solis. English, like most of the Germanic languages, preserves the original pagan/sun associations of the day. Many other European languages, including all of the Romance languages, have changed its name to the equivalent of "the Lord's day" (based on Ecclesiastical Latin Dies Dominica). Compare Spanish/Portuguese Domingo, French Dimanche, Romanian Duminică and Italian Domenica.
Monday: The name
Monday comes from the Old English Mōnandæg (pronounced [mon.nan.dæg] or [mon.nan.dæj'), meaning "Day of the Moon". This is likely based on a translation of the Latin name Dies Lunae (cf. Romance language versions of the name, e.g., French Lundi, Spanish, Lunes, Romanian Luni, Italian Lunedì).
Tuesday: The name Tuesday comes from the Old English Tiwesdæg (pronounced [ti.wes.dæg] or [ti.wes.dæj], meaning "Tyr's day." Tyr (in Old English, Tiw, Tew or Tiu) was a god of combat and heroic glory in Norse mythology and Germanic paganism. The name of the day is based on Latin Dies Martis, "Day of Mars" (the Roman war god); compare French Mardi, Spanish Martes, Romanian Marţi and Italian Martedì.
Wednesday: The name
Wednesday comes from the Old English Wōdnesdæg (pronounced [woːd.nes.dæg] or [woːd.nes.dæj) meaning the day of the Germanic god Wodan, more commonly known as Odin, who was the highest god in Norse mythology, and a prominent god of the Anglo-Saxons (and other places) in England until about the seventh century. It is based on Latin Dies Mercurii, "Day of Mercury"; compare French Mercredi, Spanish Miércoles, Romanian Miercuri and Italian Mercoledì. The connection between Mercury and Odin is more strained than the other syncretic connections. The usual explanation is that both Odin and Mercury were considered psychopomps, or leaders of souls, in their respective mythologies. Also, in Old Norse myth, Odin, like Mercury, is associated with poetic and musical inspiration. In German, the day is referred to as Mittwoch (mid week). Similar to German, in Finnish it is referred to as keskiviikko (keski = mid, viikko = week).
Thursday: The name
Thursday comes from the Old English Þūnresdæg (pronounced [θuːn.res.dæg] or [θuːn.res.dæj]), meaning the day of Þunor, commonly known in Modern English as Thor, the god of thunder in Norse Mythology and Germanic Paganism. It is based on the Latin Dies Iovis, "Day of Jupiter"; compare French Jeudi, Spanish Jueves, Romanian Joi and Italian Giovedì. In the Roman pantheon, Jupiter was the chief god, who seized and maintained his power on the basis of his thunderbolt (Fulmen).
Friday: The name
Friday comes from the Old English Frigedæg (pronounced [æg] or [æj]), meaning the day of Frige, the Germanic goddess of beauty, who is a later incarnation of the Norse goddess Frigg, but also potentially connected to the Goddess Freyja. It is based on the Latin Dies Veneris, "Day of Venus"; compare French Vendredi, Spanish Viernes, Romanian Vineri and Italian Venerdì. Venus was the Roman goddess of beauty, love and sex.
Saturday is the only day of the week to retain its Roman origin in English, named after the Roman god Saturn associated with the Titan Cronus, father of Zeus and many Olympians. Its original Anglo-Saxon rendering was Sæturnesdæg (pronounced [sæ.tur.nes.dæg] or [sæ.tur.nes.dæj]). In Latin it was Dies Saturni, "Day of Saturn"; compare French Samedi, Spanish Sábado, Romanian Sâmbătă and Italian Sabato, which come from Sambata Dies (Day of the Sabbath). What is different is that the Germanic gods don't appear to preside
I know that was TOTALLY random but I have random thoughts......L0L